View this email in a browser | | | Your order has been picked up! | | Hi, John! Thanks for picking up order #5961171034. We hope it was a great experience!
Be sure to tell us what you thought by taking a quick survey. If you had a pickup person pick up the order, please ask them to complete the survey. | | |  | Beavercreek - Pickup Order Summary | Beavercreek PICKUP ORDER SUMMARY | | Order Status Picked up. | | Pickup Details (1 item) | | Additional Pickup Person John Feeney | | Pickup Location 2850 CENTRE DR FAIRBORN, OH 45324 (937) 320-0888 See Store Hours | | |  | | Your Price: $43.99 | | | |  | | | Billing Address John Feeney 2628 Big Woods Trail Beavercreek, OH 45431 | | | | Your In-Store Pickup Summary | | Subtotal: | $43.99 | FATHERS: | - $6.60 | Tax: | $2.52 | Total: | $39.91
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